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Image of Author Dr. Roy C. Starr

Dr. Roy C. Starr

A Philosopher is a person who analyzes complex social problems or behaviors. He defines them and offers solutions to correcting divergent opinions. It is his goal to allow society to function harmoniously in peace with mutual respect for all living creatures. Some would say such a philosopher is the ultimate dreamer. This may be true of the immortal thinker who authors these unique books. These books are neither fiction or non-fiction but in category that could be rightfully defined as "wishful thinking". They are not intended to be entertaining, instead to be thought provoking and mind altering. Real change, new ideas, lofty goals, exciting prospects and warm fuzzy feelings are the result of a great philosophical treatment. Everything happens for a reason and a person needs discover why things happen and what philosophy is at work to make it happen. Ideas are power to facilitate change. Wakeup & Live The Future and learn How You Live 1 Day After Forever. Now is the time begin again!